Tim Karr
My story
My wife Teresa and I have been married since 2006. We have a son, Samuel, and three daughters, Eliana, Charlotte, Marilla, and Isaiah. We are grateful for God’s blessings in our family, and we are eager to see our family grow and be a blessing to those around us. When we are able, our family enjoys reading and spending time in the outdoors, gardening, and raising chickens.
I grew up in a Christian environment, and I have always believed the Bible to be true. As a small child, I came to a point where I understood that I was a sinner, and that I desperately needed forgiveness from God through Jesus. I cried out to God for salvation! God’s grace has proven sufficient time and time again as I navigate through the many struggles, temptations, and trials of life.
When I was about 10, I asked my grandma to show me how to go about reading the Bible. I remember that she gave me a copy of Our Daily Bread and showed me how I can read through the Bible in a year. This started me on a path of learning and growing in God’s Word. My passion for serving God was cultivated through my local church where I played music and taught Sunday school, and also through a local camp, Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp (CLBC). I started serving at CLBC in the summers when I was 13. I soon found that I enjoyed teaching the Bible, and helping others love God and His Word.
After college, I knew that I was called to be in full-time ministry. I accepted a position with InFaith as the Area Youth Missionary for Northern Idaho and the Greater Spokane area. Most of my responsibilities related back to CLBC where I was the program director. I spent most of my time discipling youth and teaching the Bible. I was also given many opportunities to preach in various churches, and from there, I soon sensed that God was calling me to pastoral ministry.
This led me to seek a church to shepherd, and then to Crossroads. I am daily humbled by God’s grace and goodness. As a pastor, I am committed to biblical shepherding, expository preaching, and long-term discipleship. I desire to apply the gospel to every situation, ultimately showing how Jesus Christ is all-satisfying and most glorious.
8 Sermons by Tim Karr
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