We are Christian:
We believe the essentials of the historic Christian faith as articulated in the historic ecumenical creeds.
We are Covenantal:
We believe the Triune God relates to humanity, reveals His will, and saves His people by way of covenant.
We are Calvinistic:
We believe that sin totally affects every part of all men, the Father unconditionally elects a people to be saved, the Son fully atoned for the sins of that same people on the cross, the Holy Spirit irresistibly draws that same people to saving faith and repentance, and this redeemed people persevere to the end. In addition and related, we joyfully affirm the solas of the Reformation: sola fide (justification by faith alone), sola gratia (salvation by God’s grace alone), sola scriptura (the Bible alone is the basis for faith and practice), solus Christus (salvation through Christ alone), and soli deo gloria (the fact that God alone is to receive glory in the salvation of sinners).
We are Credo:
We believe baptism is to be administered by immersion, for those who make a credible profession of faith.
We are Convinced:
We believe that while only God knows the heart, the local church should be composed of truly regenerate people (i.e., those who have made a credible profession of faith, and who have been baptized upon profession
We are Clear:
We believe the church must be clear and make a distinction between the law and the gospel. The law is anything in Scripture which man is commanded to do. The gospel, on the other hand, is what Christ does for us to redeem us. To blur this distinction leads to great error.
We are Committed:
We believe God has designed the Christian and the church to grow through ordinary means of grace. This means when the church gathers for worship, we are committed to the Word, the sacraments, and prayer. We believe these are the means by which the Holy Spirit grows us in grace, and prepares us for carrying out our mission in the world.
We are Confessional:
We believe the best way for a church to maintain unity and doctrinal purity is through its officers fully subscribing to a detailed statement of faith, and for the members of the church to agree not to be divisive over its teaching, but to be humble and teachable.